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Katty Kay: What’s really behind America’s men v women election- NEWS USA

Donald Trump enjoys a huge lead among men, while women tell pollsters they prefer Kamala Harris by a similarly large margin. The political gender gap reflects a decade of social upheaval and could help decide the US election.

For the first woman of colour to secure a presidential nomination, and only the second woman to ever get this close, Kamala Harris goes to great lengths not to talk about her identity.
“Listen, I am running because I believe that I am the best person to do this job at this moment for all Americans, regardless of race and gender,” the vice-president said in a CNN interview last month.

And yet, despite all her efforts to neutralise the subject, gender is shaping up to be the defining issue of this campaign.

“Madame President” would be a new thing for America and it’s reasonable to assume that while many voters love the idea, some find the novelty a little unnerving.

The Harris campaign won’t say it publicly, but one official acknowledged to me recently that they do believe there is “hidden sexism” here that will deter some people from voting for any woman for president.

It’s 2024 and few people want to be the jerk who’ll tell a pollster outright that they don’t think a woman is fit for the Oval Office (though plenty are prepared to share misogynistic memes on social media). A Democratic strategist suggested there’s a code, when voters tell pollsters that Harris is not “ready” or doesn't have the right “personality” or “what it takes,” what they really mean is that the problem is she’s a woman.

Keywords: USA election news, Donald trump election, English news, update 

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